Ice-T & Coco Renew Their Wedding Vows, Show a Little Nip

Ice-T and Coco WeddingIce-T and the Bride of Frankenstein Coco Austin at their vow renewal ceremony.

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My, how time flies. Ice-T and Coco have already been married for ten years!

To celebrate, the pair renewed their vows last night, in a super classy ceremony held at the W Hotel in Hollywood.

Ice Loves Coco … and Coco’s Nips

Of course, the “intimate” ceremony was filmed for the couple’s brand new reality show, Ice Loves Coco, set to premiere on E! on June 12, at 10:30/9:30c. Mark your calendars, kiddos, that’s just over a week away!

Among their guests was Snoop Dogg. A fairytale wedding, indeed.

Ice-T & Coco Wedding Vow Renewal Pics

Here are some more fab pictures from Ice-T and Coco’s super classy vow renewal ceremony:

Ice-T and Coco Wedding
I think I see nipple.
Ice-T and Coco Wedding

Well, lookie here; Hot Shiitake’s fashion history experts have found the inspiration for Coco’s wedding dress:

Victorian Wedding Dress
Who woulda thunk Coco Austin was into Victorian era fashion?

WATCH: Coco Austin Goes Wedding Dress Shopping

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Filed Under: Boob News, Gossip, Wardrobe Malfunctions, Weddings