Mini-Posh is on Her Way!

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Back in January, Victoria Beckham and David Beckham announced that they are pregnant with their fourth child, due this July. And now, the latest news: it’s a girl!

Victoria Beckham Pregnant — HOW?!?

Who knew someone as rail-thin as Victoria could even get pregnant?! Whatevs though: Suri Cruise best watch her back! ‘Cause this Mini-Posh is bound to be the most well-styled baby on the planet, and that’s a title money just can’t buy.

Suri Cruise Ballerina
Enjoy it while it lasts, Suri. You’re getting way too old for the biz.

The Beckhams already have three sons: ages 11, 8, and 5; so Mini-Posh Spice is bound to be both fashionable and tough, able to knock Suri Cruise out with a quick one-two. I can’t wait!

Victoria Beckham Pregnancy Weight: Packing On The Pounds…

I also can’t wait to see more of Victoria’s pregnancy fashion. Then I’ll know how to dress myself on my fat days!!! Here’s a little taste of what’s to come: Victoria, pictured at Heathrow Airport on March 8, about 5 months pregnant…

Victoria Beckham Pregnant
Victoria Beckham is packing on the pounds already? Fatty.
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