Kendra Wilkinson Dancing & Booty Shaking With The Uh… Beautiful People

Kendra Wilkinson DancingKissezzz

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Remember Kendra Wilkinson?

Kendra Wilkinson Dancing ‘n Booty Signing Like the Good Ol’ Days

You may have forgotten all about Kendra Wilkinson, of The Girls Next Door fame, but this chick hasn’t:

Kendra Wilkinson Booty
Kendra’s fan is proof that not everyone in New Jersey looks like the cast of Jersey Shore. Some of them are even uglier.

Kendra Wilkinson partied the night away in a club in Atlantic City, New Jersey – the classiest place on earth, and a place where Kendra found herself surrounded by admiring fans. Weird.

The moral of the story is this: even if you’re married to a bench-warming NFL-er and the majority of the civilized world no longer gives a crap about your life, you can still get down and have a good time in New Jersey.

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