Kristen Stewart’s Birthday Present From Robert Pattinson: A Pen — A Freakin’ Pen

Kristen Stewart Birthday

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Yesterday, April 10, 2013, was Kristen Stewart‘s 23rd birthday…

Kristen Stewart’s Birthday: Who Cares, Right?

Who cares? Robert Pattinson cares. That’s who.

So, RPatz, ever the good and faithful (which is more than can be said of KStew, the cheater…) boyfriend, decided to bestow upon his lovely-ish lady a grand gift…

Robert Pattinson: Nothing Says “I Love You” Like A Pen…

Yep. Robert Pattinson got Kristen Stewart a pen for her 23rd birthday. A PEN. (Granted, it was a $40,000 pen, but still. But still.)

If this lame excuse for a birthday gift doesn’t prove they’re a fake couple, what will?

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