Wendy Williams is a Pile of Vomit

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Wendy Williams Dancing With the Stars
Head for the hills! The Queen Beast is coming!!!!!!

I don’t watch Dancing with the Stars, so I don’t know how Wendy Williams is holding up. Is she a good dancer? Probably not. Let’s face it: the woman is a real, live sasquatch.

Wendy Williams Feet: You May Need A Barf Bag

I may not know how Wendy is holding up on DWTS, but I do know how her feet are holding up. Nasty betch decided to tweet a pic of her nasty, bunion-y, blistered stumps. Them thangs is TOE UP.

Wendy Williams Feet
Wendy Williams’ feet. Seriously? WHAT. THE. F#@%

My deepest apologies if you just lost your lunch, but misery loves company. Now we can row along in the same disgusting, vomit-filled boat, hand-in-hand.

WATCH: Wendy Williams On ‘Dancing With The Stars’

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