Bad Boob Jobs: Guess the Celebrity Breasts

Bad Boob JobsFile this under: Horrifically Bad Celebrity Boob Jobs

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Today in “Guess the Celebrity Boob Job,” we ask you:

Which celebrity has a deep, cavernous fissure between their breasts?

Bad Boob Jobs: Guess The Celebrity Cleavage

Did you guess yet? Here are the cavernous melons in question once more.
(Click on the image to reveal the owner of these crappy gappy boobs)

Audrina Patridge Boobs

It’s Audrina Patridge, in the warm embrace of her BMX-er boyfriend, Corey Bohan, at Wyclef Jean’s poolside concert at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas. Ahh-dorablez.

When asked about her crappy boobs, Audrina told iPad entertainment news provider, The Daily, that her boobs don’t look weird because of a botched boob job, but because she has

“…this chest problem. My bone right here, it’s higher on this side? It’s pectoralis-something. So I’ve always struggled with that. You could see they look different sizes all the time.”

Eloquence is quite obviously Audrina’s forte.

Inability to communicate her own thoughts aside, Audrina is apparently under the incorrect impression that her boobs look weird because her “pectoralis-something” causes said knockers to “look different sizes all the time,” and seems completely unaware of the deep chasm separating her freakish breasts.

Poor girl.

To play more fun guessing games, check out “Guess The Celebrity”.

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Filed Under: Boob News, Gossip, Guess The Celebrity, Pics