Cute little Emma Watson was spotted in London yesterday afternoon, on what started out as a nice, relaxing stroll — complete with ice cream — and somehow turned into… something quite strange and inexplicable.
Trust us when we tell you: you’re gonna wanna see this.
WARNING: Hot Shiitake, having no certified medical professionals on staff, knows almost nothing about epilepsy, but if you’ve got it, just be aware: the last image in this post may or may not induce seizing.

Then, Emma Watson decided to take this walk to the next level…
The Next Level: Emma Watson Jogging (feat. Emma Watson’s Butt Cheeks)

Ok, Epileptics, this is the part of Emma Watson’s jog, about which, you have been warned:
*If you are attempting to view the Emma Watson jogging GIF on a mobile device, you’re probably wondering, “Aww, come on, what the hey?! This isn’t making me seize!” Well, if you want in on the seizure-tastic fun, get thee to a real computer, stat!
I am currently seizing.