After last week’s emotional results show, I cannot wait for tonight’s eliminations. It’s my birthday, so I positively DEMAND that things go my way tonight. There will be TWO contestants going home, and I’m so nervous, I could puke.
In a perfect world, we’d send half of the American Idol contestants home straight away. But unfortunately, only one person will be cleansed from our ears tonight on American Idol. If it were up to me, I would chop it up real quick. But, staying true to AI fashion, we must drag this thing out for as long as possible.
Here are American Idol’s Top 24 morons. Tonight is elimination night, and I can’t wait ’til these fools get their dreams crushed! It’s my favorite part of AI. My second favorite part is when the winner releases their first single, then, approximately one month later, nobody gives a crap.