Kesha Bikini Pics: Ke$ha Is A Bathing Beauty…

Kesha Bikini

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Our favorite singing sensation, Kesha Rose Sebert, as she is formally known, was spotted on a beach in Australia yesterday, where she is currently on tour.

While no one gives a crap about Kesha’s Australian tour, the following Kesha bikini pics sure made waves.

Kesha Bikini

Kesha’s lovely, high-waisted bikini featured lattice detailing on the sides — reminiscent of a delicious apple pie — which Kesha has apparently been enjoying a lot of, lately.

Kesha Bikini
You could bounce a quarter off that hind end!
Kesha Bikini
Om nom nom! Ke$ha HUNGRY!

Kesha Bikini Pics: Get An Eyeful

Let’s take a look at some more of these, umm, smokin’ hot Kesha bikini pics, shall we?

Kesha Bikini
Maybe Kesha should’ve gone running before cramming herself into that bikini
Kesha Bikini
Again, yoga before bikini.
Kesha Bikini
Omg, someone help, QUICK! We’ve got a beached whale over here!!!

Now, don’t take this the wrong way a well done high-waist bikini can be so retro-fab and whatnot, but Kesha’s bikini is not that. Good god, it is NOT that.

The now-infamous black bikini, on someone other than Kesha Sebert:

Kesha Bikini
See? Not so terrible.

If you totes need to look exactly like Keshy-Poo, this bikini is from the lovely and amazing Free People.

Free People should sue the piss outta Kesha Sebert for making their lovely bikini look absolutely heinous. That’s gotta fall under some defamation laws…right?

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Filed Under: Celebrity Thoughts, Gossip, Pics, Style
3 comments on “Kesha Bikini Pics: Ke$ha Is A Bathing Beauty…
  1. This website is disgusting…lets take photos of YOU caught off guard down the beach, and see how great you look. That model in the bikini has been photoshopped, and is more likely than not on a ridiculously restrictive diet, probably coupled with bulimia. THAT is so much worse than somebody not having a ‘bikini body’.