Michael Lohan On ‘Celebrity Rehab’ — MiLo: The World’s Best Dad

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Michael Lohan Celebrity Rehab
Mr. Lohan likes to show off his nips while he chats with TMZ

Lindsay Lohan‘s father, Michael Lohan, is a true class act. We all know how much he loves to make a public mockery of his daughter — pretending all the while that he’s acting in her best interest. And now that he has signed on for the 5th season of Dr. Drew’s Celebrity Rehab, he thinks it’s time to step up his daddy game one more notch…

Michael Lohan: ‘Celebrity Rehab’ At Lindsay’s Court Date??

Last night, Mikey Lohan told reporters that he hopes to bring the Rehab cameras with him to Lindsay’s March 10 court date, to show what a great, supportive father he is. Wowie Zowie – exploiting your daughter’s court date for your own publicity? That sure is supportive parenting. If only Mr. Lohan could be father to us all!

With a desperate, attention-craving dad, it’s no wonder Lindsay is so messed up. Our only question is: is Michael Lohan a conniving bastard, purposely trying to milk his daughter for every penny he can? Or is he just a delusional idiot? (We’re guessing it’s probably a little bit of both…)

On another note: we can’t wait for March 10.

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Filed Under: Gossip, TV
One comment on “Michael Lohan On ‘Celebrity Rehab’ — MiLo: The World’s Best Dad
  1. 2 more days until Mr. Lohan officially becomes a REAL parent bringing the camera crew to his own daughters court date! Yay!! Can’t wait to find out whether Lindsay is going to jail…or jail! Good luck you lunatics!