Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were looking all lovey-dovey at the 39th Annual American Music Awards (November 20, 2011).
They make me quite ill, and they should make you ill, too, if you know what’s good for you.
Justin Bieber Kissing Selena Gomez

“Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee Justin B.” Or is he?…
Justin Bieber Thinks He’s Clark Gable

(Hot Shiitake History Lesson: For all you uneducated little idiots who’ve never heard of Clark Gable, he was the star of countless films, most famous for his role as Rhett Butler, in Gone With the Wind. He was also one handsome devil.)
Justin Bieber Also Thinks He’s Hugh Hefner

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez AMA 2011 — All Smiles… For Now

Look at those two little s#!ts. Just look at ’em. They think life is so great; all sunshine and roses and ponies and s#!t.
On behalf of 15-year-old girls everywhere, we can’t wait ’til Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez break up. Time to get a taste of the real world, b*tches.