American Idol Season 10 Recap: Top 8

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American Idol Top 8

Every week, another contestant goes home. Isn’t it beautiful?

But this week (and probably every coming week for the rest of the season) is a real nail-biter. WHO WILL LEAVE US? It’s such a tough call, everyone left is really good. However, some of them – err, one of them is not someone anyone should like. Guess who?

Here we go…

American Idol Top 8 — Season 10 Recap: Movie Night

Paul McDonald: Staying. Unless, of course, he has a teeth bleaching appointment he can’t miss! (Update: Paul has left us. He couldn’t miss that appointment.)

American Idol Top 8Sang “Old Time Rock and Roll” from Risky Business
What a great song choice for Paul! AND: He wore a new rosey jacket!!! That’s all I needed to like his performance.  He also sang well and gave an overall fun performance, so I guess that’s good too.

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Lauren Alaina: Probably safe.
American Idol Top 8Sang “The Climb” from The Hannah Montana Movie
She certainly sang this song better than Miley could/did. To be perfectly honest, that’s not a tough accomplishment at all.  It’s not like she climbed Mount Everest or anything.  Still, overall, a pretty good performance, I had a few minor issues with some of her pitches, but that’s nothing new.

Gazing into the camera while singing? CHEEZ!
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Stefano Langone: Bottom 3. I desperately hope he stays! (Update: He’s Staying!)
American Idol Top 8Sang “End of the Road” from Boomerang

Such a good performance! Stefano gets better and better every single week! It will really be a shame if he leaves us this week, but I’m worried for him, seeing as he was the contestant with the 2nd lowest amount of votes last week. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
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Scotty McCreery: Git out! (Update: Still Here. Sad Face.)
American Idol Top 8Sang “I Cross My Heart” from Pure Country
I was SO GLAD when Scotty decided not to sing Harry Nilsson’s “Everybody’s Talkin”.  That’s one of my favorite songs, and it would’ve been completely ruined if I had to watch this dough-head sing it out of the side of his mouth.

JUST LEAVE ALREADY! Go home. Or as they say in country-talk: “Yer not welcome in these here parts, boy!”
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Casey Abrams: Staying
American Idol Top 8Sang “Nature Boy” from Moulin Rouge! 
Casey brought out his upright bass again! As usual, I loved it. I especially loved the bass & piano interlude. Week after week, Casey displays musical talent at its very finest.
Casey originally planned to sing this song, then, on advice from Jimmy Iovine, changed it, but then decided to change it back. Oh lord, Jimmy looked PISSED! It didn’t seem to me (or the judges) to be such a bad decision on Casey’s part, but we’ll have to wait and see!
Haley Reinhart: Borderline Bottom 3. (Update: Bottom 3)
American Idol Top 8Sang “Call Me” from American Gigolo
I’ve really been enjoying her performances a lot lately. I love the husky tone of her voice, and her confidence and comfort on stage. She is crazy confident, especially for her age.
Jacob Lusk: Bottom 3. Deserves to Stay! (Update: Not Bottom 3!)
American Idol Top 8Sang “Bridge Over Troubled Water” from The Pursuit of Happyness
Jacob makes me so happy when he sings. I just absolutely love him. His crazy facial expressions, his huge voice, everything is just dandy.
I hope America isn’t still pissed about his slightly high-and-mighty comment last week


James Durbin: HERE TO STAY!
American Idol Top 8Sang “Heavy Metal” from, what else: Heavy Metal
Could any song be more perfect for James? Maybe. But I think he just becoame my favorite contestant this season.  He is such an amazing performer! I just want to dance along with him every time he performs. He’s absolutely incredible.
James, like Casey, really pissed off Jimmy Iovine for not taking his advice regarding song choice. Jimmy just needs to take a little nappy, methinks.
Another song idea for James: Anything from Detroit Rock City, one of my favorite movies ever.  I personally would have enjoyed that greatly.
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