‘Two and a Half Men’: You’ve Got a Piss-Poor Attitude, Charlie Sheen

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That’s right, Charlie Sheen, you’ve got a piss-poor attitude. And you’re making Jon Cryer cry. Not a nice thing to do to your on-screen bro. I thought men were all about the whole “bros before hoes” thing, but not Charlie Sheen. He is ALL about dem hoes.

Charlie Sheen Adding To Two and a Half Men’s Problems

Now, Two and a Half Men is an absolutely despicable show, and I cannot, for the life of me, understand how it could possibly be TV’s number one comedy. Everything about the show is the complete opposite of funny, yet the studio audience is queued up to laugh after EVERY SINGLE line. It’s just overkill, and clearly, the show is written for the hordes of idiots who have no idea what funny is. Thus, they need a studio audience to let them know exactly when they should laugh. Wretched. Just wretched.

That being said, it’s still quite poopie-headed of Charlie Sheen to bring down this entire show, just so he can bang a few hooks and snort some blow. He is affecting the lives of everyone working on this god-awful show, and it’s just mean. Charlie Sheen, you’re a meany. Take that!

‘Two and a Half Men’ Cancelled For Rest Of Season 8

The show has been cancelled for the rest of this season, which may turn into forever, once Charlie Sheen rolls down a ditch he can’t crawl out of. It seems a logical solution, to think that the Powers-That-Be should bring Emilio Estevez in, to play Charlie’s role. What have YOU been doing since The Mighty Ducks? Hmm, Emilio? WHAT?! Yeah, that’s right; nothing. Might as well be absolutely nothing. Step up, son!

Emilio Estevez

WATCH: ‘Family Guy’ — ‘Two and a Half Men’ Ostrich Laugh

As per yooj, Family Guy hits the nail on the head with their take on the bleak reality that is the Two and a Half Men‘s live studio audience/ostrich.

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