The Week In Ugly: Lady Gaga Needs Help, Christina Hendricks’ Hips & More

Lady Gaga Shoes

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The 2011 CFDA Awards took place Monday night (June 6, 2011), and as with any night dedicated to fashion, there sure was a lot of ugly.

Also featured: Steven Tyler’s billy-balls, Princess Leia, and more!

Lady Gaga Needs Help Walking

Lady Gaga Needs Help Walking

Wonder no more: Lady Gaga needs help walking in her ridiculously tall, ridiculously ugly shoes.

Helping her remain upright, is GaGa’s sister, Natali Germanotta

I would absolutely LOVE to see Lady GaGa trip and fall flat on her face. Freaking shoe monstrosities.

Lady Gaga Ugly
Madame GagMe took her pants off…

Lady Gaga Butt
That man seems to be enjoying the view. Gross.

Grace Coddington

Grace Coddington Ugly
Fashionista alert: The Puritan look is the next big thing.

Grace Coddington is Vogue‘s creative director. She is both brilliant, and surprisingly unpretentious, especially for an employee of Vogue, and one in such a high position. If you haven’t seen The September Issue, I highly recommend it, she is featured in it quite a lot.

I almost feel bad for putting her picture in here, because I like her, but ugly is ugly, and that’s simply not my fault.

Betsey Johnson

Betsey Johnson Ugly

Betsey Johnson‘s designs are ugly, so we can’t really expect the ensembles she wears to be any different.

Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst Ugly

I suppose we should just be glad Kirsten Dunst isn’t smiling, so we don’t have to look at those wretched teeth.

Kid Rock

Kid Rock CMT Awards
Kid Rock shows off his “fine taste” at Wednesday night’s CMT Awards.

Steven Tyler

Steven Tyler Legs
Cover up those ugly gams, Steven Tyler. And while you’re at it, please also cover up your, umm, gems.

Christina Hendrick

Christina Hendricks Hips
I’m not sure if I would necessarily call Christina “ugly,” but she definitely looks strange. Bewildering, even.

Even more bewildering than Christina Hendricks‘ birthing hips, is the fact that this picture was taken as she was walking to the subway after a whiskey tasting event.. I was under the impression that a celebrity (even a B-lister) would have enough money for a cab, but at least Christina wasn’t driving. Although, if she had a DUI to her name, she might be able to make that A-list.

Lily Allen

Lily Allen Wedding Dress
At least Lily can use being pregnant as her excuse for this dress. The headpiece, however? Who knows.

Lily Allen married Sam Cooper in a shotgun ceremony (she’s pregnant) this past Saturday, June 11, 2011.


ug-ins [ugg-inz]
1. ugly twins
2. either of two persons or things closely resembling each other, in a manner that is very unattractive, unpleasant to look at, or displeasing in appearance.
See also: uglets

Princess Leia and Lily Allen

Lily Allen Princess Leia
Star Wars fans, rejoice!
See you next week, you ugly little s#!ts.

*As always, click on the pictures to see even more ugly detail.

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Filed Under: Pics, Ugins, Weddings, Week In Ugly