So, Kim Kardashian’s cat died…
We’re not gonna pretend to be a cat-loving site (they’re wretched creatures, and Hot Shiitake’s lunatic-in-chief happens to be allergic — just like Kimmy), but Mercy Kardashian was kuddly-kyoot, and the poor thing was only four months old when she died — plus, it’s not Mercy’s fault she was so kruelly thrust into the Kardashian family — so it’s kinda sad. (Hey, we’re not completely heartless — only about 99.9%.)
Anywho, a Kardashian death is a BFD (like, obviiii), so since we’ve already jumped all-in on this kat thing, let’s take a look back at the short life of Mercy — and poke some fun at Kim, while we’re at it.
Kim Kardashian: Kat Killer Cat Lover (?)
Remember when Kim got PETA all angried up by doing this?:
Looks like Kim is (well, was) still torturing cats.

Kim Kardashian’s Cat Costumes
Kimmy K decided to get all kitty-kat-themed with her Halloween kostumes this year. Isn’t that kewl?
Kim Kardashian as Cat Woman:
Kim Kardashian as a Leopard or Jaguar or Whatever-the-Crap
Hey, we’re not cat experts, but this thing Kim’s wearing looks kitty-licious, so we figured, what the hell-m-n-o-p, let’s throw it in for good measure.
(Sorry to disappoint, but because Hot Shiitake is a wholesome, kid-friendly-ish site, we can’t show you all of Kim Kardashian, Superstar‘s pussycat-tastic past… if you catch our drift.)