The Week In Ugly: Week of June 26 – July 3, 2011

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This was another delightfully ugly week, filled with the Jersey Shore, parenthood, and just a dash of porn.

Kim Kardashian and Vera Wang

Kim Kardashian Shopping with Vera Wang in NYC

Kim Kardashian’s leopard-print romper is heinous, but Vera Wang’s anorexic body and gaunt face are so much worse. Eat a sandwich, you ghastly freak.

Christina Aguilera and ‘The Voice’ Top 4 Finalist, Beverly McClellan

Christina Aguilera The Voice Finale Party

It’s incredibly difficult to decide which of these two looks more dreadful. Like, fur realz, what’s up with Christina’s knees??

Kimberly Stewart

Kimberly Stewart Pregnant
Pregnant people are the worst.

Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi

Snooki filming Season 5 of Jersey Shore
Look! It’s Minnie Mouse.


Pink's post-baby body
Believe it or not, that really is Pink under the hat.

Pink gave birth to daughter, Willow Sage Hart, on June 2; and this week, Pink went to lunch with baby daddy, Cary Hart, covering her face with her hat, and her stomach with that huge bag, almost the entire time.

Under the hat:

Pink after baby
No Pets Allowed

Victoria Silvstedt

Victoria Silvstedt
Butter Face

Lady GaGa

Lady GaGa's crazy yoga outfit
Lady GaGa keeps her body in tip-top shape with regular yoga in ridiculous get-ups.

I don’t actually have a clue as to how regular GagMe’s yoga schedule is. Or how regular her s#!ts are, but that’s more or less irrelevant.

But seriously, who does yoga (or any remotely physical activity, of any kind) dressed like this?? It’s appalling.

Deena Cortese

Jersey Shore's Deena Cortese in a bikini
Who knew Deena’s been hiding such a HOT bikini bod?


ug-lets [ugg-litz]
1. ugly triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, sextuplets, septuplets, octuplets, nonuplets, etc.
2. a group or set of three or more persons or things closely resembling one another in a manner that is very unattractive, unpleasant to look at, or displeasing in appearance.
See also: ugins

Hillary Clinton and Julia Roberts…

and a whole swarm of Hillary Clinton Lookalikes
Hillary Clinton Intern Porn
The past week has been positively chock-full of Hillary Clinton doppelgangers, and Julia Roberts saw the perfect opening to get in on the action.

The Hillary Clinton Intern Porn

So… why were there so many Hillary Clinton wannabes this week? TMZ reported that Hillary Clinton’s former intern, the hideous Sammie Spades (the chick in the godawful pink top), had not only turned into a porn “star,” but was now auditioning Hillary look-a-likes to bone on camera for her upcoming porno, Backdoor Intern.

The title alone is enough to get you on the edge of your seat — and it looks like we won’t have to wait long, ’cause TMZ has already given us a a sneak peek at some of the upcoming skin flick’s on-set photos. 16 super hot photos, to be exact!

Here’s a sneak peek of the sneak peek of the sure-to-be-a-top-seller Hillary Clinton look-alike porn:

Hillary Clinton Intern Porn
Hillary Clinton Intern Porn
Hillary Clinton Intern Porn
Hillary Clinton Intern Porn

Delightful, no?

Until next week, stay ugly, Hollywood!

*As always, click on the pictures to see even more ugly detail.

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Filed Under: Pics, Uglets, Week In Ugly
One comment on “The Week In Ugly: Week of June 26 – July 3, 2011
  1. I don’t need to reaffirm the hoodrich-ness of Gucci. Snooki took care of that for me. Thanks, gurrl!!

    Ps my code word to post this comment is “fratophy” – let’s make something of this.