American Idol Season 10 Recap: Top 9

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American Idol Top 9

Oh, what a week. The worst singers in the world were finally voted off American Idol last week, and the whole of humanity in possession of functioning ears could not be happier.

Now that we’re down to the Top 9, we have a little predicament: the remaining contestants are all pretty good. No one induced ear bleeding during last night’s performance… So who will go home? Nobody knows.

American Idol Top 9 — Season 10 Recap: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Night


Wanna Know Who Got Voted Off American Idol Tonight?

The American Idol voting results are in…
See the full American Idol voting results at the end of the post. OMG, you guyzz are excited, huh?

Jacob Lusk
Performed Michael Jackson’s “Man In The Mirror”
American Idol Top 9
Great job, Lusky! His earpiece must not have been working, because he took it out at the beginning of the performance, and he still killed it.
Haley Reinhart
Performed Janis Joplin’s “Piece Of My Heart”
American Idol Top 9
Ever since her amazing performance last week, our opinion of Haley has gone up considerably. She gave another good performance last night, so it seems she’s really hit her stride. Proud of you, Haley!
Casey Abrams
Performed Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Have You Ever Seen The Rain”
American Idol Top 9
At Hot Shiitake headquarters, our love for Casey runs deep. As deep as the mountain’s wings on eagles soar.Casey brought his upright bass out last night, and always seems to be at his very best with his bass. Lurvey durvey, you scruffy hunk
Lauren Alaina
Performed Aretha Franklin’s “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman”
American Idol Top 9
She certainly didn’t sing terribly, but these last two weeks have not been her best. She probably won’t be in bottom 3, since America seems to love her, but she deserves to be there. We’ll have to wait and see, ya’ll.
James Durbin
Performed George Harrison’s “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”
American Idol Top 9
Amazing. Simply amazing. He even got misty-eyed during his performance; it was adorablez. Good show, chap, jolly good show.
Scotty McCreary
Performed Elvis Presley’s “That’s All Right”
American Idol Top 9
He gave a good performance last night, there’s no denying that. And he did change up his usual Country routine… but this little idiot sings out the side of his mouth, and holds his microphone off to the side. It’s despicable.Scotty McCreery has won the hearts of little tweenage girls ’round the country, though, so he’ll probably stay. Ho hum.
Pia Toscano
Performed Tina Turner’s “River Deep Mountain High”
American Idol Top 9
Does anyone else find Pia Toscano completely annoying?At least she didn’t sing another boring ballad this week. BUT she still did her usual left-hand swimming routine. Is anyone surprised?And another jumpsuit? Really? They just make her look fat and dumb.
Stefano Langone
Performed Percy Sledge’s “When A Man Loves A Woman”
American Idol Top 9
Amazing. Love this guy.What’s even more amazing? Stefano might just be shorter than Ryan Seacrest.
Paul McDonald
Performed Johnny Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues”
American Idol Top 9
Last week’s performance wasn’t his best, but this week, Pauly is back, betchez.This performance was exactly what he needed to keep him out of the Bottom 3, so let’s hope America’s IQ hasn’t dropped since last week’s American Idol eliminations.

The American Idol Voting Results are In:
So, Who Got Voted Off American Idol Tonight??

Another one bites the dust! Pia has gone home!
Some people seem so surprised. Not Hot Shiitake. She was dull, dull, dull. Sorry, Pia. Best of luck to you in your quest to bore America to tears.

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One comment on “American Idol Season 10 Recap: Top 9
  1. Thanks Deb. I got caught up on AI thanks to this. I do agree this is a good reason to miss lunch with me.

    So here’s time for my comments just for you:
    That Pia girl suxcks. It is gonna between her and Paul going home.

    I don’t like Stefano. Borrrring.

    If I close my eyes I love Scotty, his voice is dreamy. Then I open them and I get angry inside because he is an annoying ass performer. It’s like the kid on the cover of MAD magazine became a singer. Looks aside, you are totally right about the side mouth and holding the microphone. He is staying though!

    I heart Haley, Casey (who doesn’t?), and James. Hopefully they are the final three.

    The other two…meh; they will go home a little later but they aren’t striking enough!