This was actually not a very ugly week. Where you bin hidin’, Taylor Momsen??
Sharon Stone’s Nipples

Sharon Stone‘s nipples were on full display as she ran errands, or whatever the crap. Good for her.
Miley Cyrus

Chelsea Handler Without Makeup
Chelsea Handler looks… erm, fresh-faced and beautiful at her book signing.
Lady Gaga: Ugly and SCARY

Lady Gaga had quite the gig at the Cannes Film Festival. Lucky Frenchies…
Shenae Grimes’ Face Paint
WTF is on Shenae Grimes‘ cheek? Click to zoom, & check that s#!t out.
Seriously, it looks like homegirl got bored and drew a heart on her cheek with some eyeliner. Cute.
Paris Hilton, Looking Dumb, As Usual

ug-ins [ugg-inz]
1. ugly twins
2. either of two persons or things closely resembling each other in a manner that is very unattractive, unpleasant to look at, or displeasing in appearance.
See also: uglets
The Coneheads and Christina Ricci’s Forehead

I don’t know why anyone bothers to take Christina Ricci‘s picture. I don’t even know why she’s “famous”. But whatever, her shopping trip at Rite Aid last Wednesday was a very momentous occasion, so why not document it in photographs?
Even more baffling to me, is that no one has ever told Christina Ricci that she might consider getting some bangs to cover up that sevenhead.
*As always, click on the pictures to see even more ugly detail.