The Week In Ugly: Week of March 7-13, 2011

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We had another ugly week! Personally, I’m quite glad, because I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if there were ever a week with NO ugly. How depressing would that be? I don’t even want to think about it, so let’s get started on this week’s ugliest.

Kelly Bensimon In A Bikini

Kelly Bensimon

Kelly Bensimon’s bikini body actually makes for a pretty hot man. Maybe I should’ve left this one out…

Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl Ugly

Katherine shows us it’s ok to wear Uggs when there’s no snow on the ground!

Deena Nicole Cortese

Deena Cortese Fat

The Hobbit: Part 1 is set to open in 3D December 19, 2012!!! Deena’s excited.

Kirstie Alley Without Makeup

Kirstie Alley Without Makeup

I really wasn’t mentally prepared to see this level of ugly. I am now weeping in horror.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears Ugly

Brit Brit does “casual-cute” when she hits up the buffet. Should’ve put that napkin in your lap, little piggy.

Pete Wentz…?

Pete Wentz Curly Hair

You might be wondering who this is. And I’m sorry to tell you, I really don’t know. I just happened upon this picture, and thought to myself, “Holy crap! That’s ugly.” So I thought I’d include it. It might be Pete Wentz, whoever that is.*

Taylor Momsen

Taylor Momsen Ugly

Would any ugly week really be complete without this ugly fug?

I can’t wait for all the ugly just waiting to slap us in the face next week!

*Yes, I am aware of the fact that this is, indeed, Pete Wentz. Sarcasm is completely lost on some people.

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