The Week In Ugly: Hollywood Classes It Up (Lol, JK.)

Snooki Ugly

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This week, celebs like LiLo, PareHil, and more brought out their classiest looks… oh, who are we kidding? That would only happen in Topsy-Turvy Land.

Ok, now it’s time to play a celebrity guessing game.

Which super classy celeb is a super-classy “DIVA”?

Snooki Butt

Ready for the answer?

Surprise, surprise. It’s:

Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi! (with her boyfriend, Jionni LaValle)

Snooki Ugly

Snooki was also seen traipsing around NYC earlier this week, with her Loowiss Vootawn backpack, and her trademark hairclip:

Snooki Hair Clip

Snooki is proof that you can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can’t take the Jersey out of the girl.

Paris Hilton & Nicky Hilton: Un-Haute Hippies

Paris Hilton Hippie
“Loves it!”

Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton never miss a chance to overdo a theme.

In keeping with the Flower Power theme, we have:

Dianna Agron’s Pink Hair

Dianna Agron Pink Hair

Dianna Agron shows off some newly pink hair as she grabs coffee. Interesting. Let’s hope it doesn’t last.

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan Smoking
Tracheotomies are hawt.

Lindsay Lohan sits on a park bench, puffing away like an old hag.


ug-ins [ugg-inz]
1. ugly twins
2. either of two persons or things closely resembling each other in a manner that is very unattractive, unpleasant to look at, or displeasing in appearance.
See also: uglets

LeAnn Rimes and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

LeAnn Rimes The Grinch

This LeGrinch LeAnn Rimes bikini pic is actually the perfect transition into a new weekly feature on Hot Shiitake: The Week in Not Half Bad (This week is all about bikinis – that’s not half bad!)

*As always, click on the pictures to see even more ugly detail.

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Filed Under: Guess The Celebrity, Pics, Ugins, Week In Ugly