The Week In Ugly: Stephanie Seymour’s Bikini, Ke$ha’s Bikini & More Horrors

Stephanie Seymour Bikini

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It’s everyone’s favorite time of the week! – Time for some ugly celebrity pics.

Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee Simpson Ugly

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt Weight Gain

Looks like someone is trying to start their very own pregnancy rumor. That’s a little desperate, J.Love

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift Ugly
Taylor Swift: just your average home-schooled kid…

Taylor Swift “rocks out” like an awkward homeschool kid at the Mediolanum Forum in Milan, Italy for a stop on her “Speak Now” world tour on March 15, 2011. Annoyyyyyyying.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt Ugly

Seriously, what is up with Brad Pitt‘s greasy hair? I do no enjoy this man at all.

Random Hooker Taylor Momsen

Taylor Momsen Ugly

I wonder if Taylor Momsen ever gets tired of being so disgusting.

Stephanie Seymour: Bikini Horror

Stephanie Seymour Bikini

You’d be puking even harder if you saw the last time Stephanie Seymour was on a beach. Oh wait, let me show you…

Stephanie Seymour Son Kissing

Yep; that’s Ms. Seymour basically making out with her son. HER SON!

And, just in case you missed “Bathing Beauties: Get an Eyeful o’ Dem Kesha Bikini Pics“….

Kesha In A Bikini

Kesha Bikini
Kesha soo sexy.

Debra Krein

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Filed Under: Pics, Week In Ugly
2 comments on “The Week In Ugly: Stephanie Seymour’s Bikini, Ke$ha’s Bikini & More Horrors
  1. i like kesha in a binki really like girls with big pussy,s. i hate these small girls out there who have small pussy,s. it just lame fuck and i can,t beileve there are guys out there who like it.