The Week In Ugly: Amanda Bynes’ Bloated Face & More

Amanda Bynes Fat

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For a healthy dose of ugly, simply looking in the mirror may suffice.
But just in case, here’s your weekly ugly supplement.

Gwen Stefani

Gwen Stefani Ugly
File this under: Female Body Builders

Gwen Stefani, on a family outing at a Malibu beach, August 29, 2011.

Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes Fat
Fact: People with bulimia often have bloated faces.

*”Disclaimer”: Hot Shiitake has no knowledge regarding any eating disorders that Amanda Bynes may or may not have.

Amanda Bynes was pictured on a casual stroll around LA, August 29, 2011.

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks Ugly
Tyra should not be allowed around children.

Tyra Banks, terrorizing Disney’s Hollywood Studios, August 30, 2011.

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton Ugly
Is Paris Hilton’s cooter hanging out under her shirt-as-dress paired with her leggings-as-pants?

Paris Hilton was spotted in Paris, France, looking as over-accessorized and robotic as ever, August 30, 2011.

It should be noted, that Paris Hilton spent more than 1 night in Paris this week.She spent four nights in Paris, to be exact. Zing.

Dakota Fanning

Dakota Fanning Ugly
Let this picture serve as evidence that Dakota Fanning is, indeed, an extremely old woman, trying to pass for a youngster.

Dakota Fanning went shopping in a gram-tastic outfit, in LA, August 30, 2011.

Lacey Schwimmer

Lacey Schwimmer Ugly
Did Lacey Schwimmer cut her hair?
Lacey Schwimmer Ugly
Nope, she’s just ugly.

Lacey Schwimmer is pictured leaving a Japanese restaurant in Beverly Hills, August 30, 2011.


ug-ins [ugg-inz]
1. ugly twins
2. either of two persons or things closely resembling each other in a manner that is very unattractive, unpleasant to look at, or displeasing in appearance.
See also: uglets

Snooki and Elvira

Snooki Elvira
Happy Halloween.

Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi looked frightful during her appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, on August 30, 2011.

See you next week, you ugly little s#!ts

*As always, click on the pictures to see even more ugly detail.

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Filed Under: Pics, Ugins, Week In Ugly