The Week In Ugly: Week of April 17-23, 2011

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Today may be Easter, but ugly don’t take breaks just ’cause the Lord hath risen!

So, if you’re like me, & your Easter basket was chock full o’ bulls#!t, here’s some ugly to replace the b.s. with mounds of glee (and I’m not talking about the TV show starring that girl whose mouth takes up half her face. Although, SPOILER ALERT: she might be making a guest appearance in this week’s Ugly!).

But first, the lovely basket of joy that the Easter Bunny so kindly blessed me with:

Worst Easter Basket
Yep, that’s PB, Marmalade, Ladybug socks, a crappy hairbrush, AND shredded documents!
WOWIE ZOWIE! Thanks E-Bunz!

Now, time for this week’s ugly!

Nigella Lawson’s Burkini

Nigella Lawson Burkini
God help us, not another beached whale!

Don’t know who Nigella Lawson is? She has her own Food Network show called Nigella Kitchen. This lovely beach get-up is likely to send those ratings skyrocketing! It’s definitely propelled her celebrity to at least a D-rating.

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera Ugly
Dressing herself: one of Xtina’s many highly-honed skills…

Xtina was the first honoree to put her prints in cement at The Abbey Food and Bar’s new “Gay Walk of Fame”. Apparently, they could think of absolutely no one better.

Lea Michele

Lea Michele Ugly
Is Lea Michele on the set of Glee, or at a convent?
Remember Lea Michele’s last stint as a nun?

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt Weight

Beyonce Knowles

Beyonce Ugly
Makeup. Roots. Outfit. Yikes.

Britney Spears

Nicki Minaj Britney Spears Ugly
Why bother with trivial things like hair or makeup?
It’s not like you’re going to be photographed, or anything.

This week, we have a bonus feature. It has been dubbed “Ugins”. Time to get excited, ya’ll.


ug-ins [ugg-inz]
1. ugly twins
2. either of two persons or things closely resembling each other in a manner that is very unattractive, unpleasant to look at, or displeasing in appearance.

Taylor Momsen and her ugly twin, Chewbacca

Taylor Momsen Chewbacca
Taylor Momsen and Chewbacca: separated at birth. Reunited at last.

Fergie and her ugly twin, Kirstie Alley

Fergie Kirstie Alley
Fergie is so lucky. She knows exactly what to expect in 25 years…
This might just be the ugliest week yet!
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